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Here At Plymouth, we are eager to welcome you to our faith community no matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey.  


All are welcome here!


When is your worship service?

Worship begins at 10 a.m. on Sunday morning, and lasts approximately one hour.


What are your worship services like?

Our worship services offer you the opportunity to connect with God in a rich and meaningful way through tradition, liturgy, song and weekly communion.  Communion is done through intinction and all are welcome to participate.  No one is ever excluded from God's table for any reason.  We are "come as your are" casual, and will welcome you extravagantly.  We have a choir that usually sings once a month, and we hold special services according to the liturgical calendar. 


What do you have for my children?

All children and youth are welcome in worship.  We have a Children's "Pray Ground" where children can color and play with Legos, and we have Activity bags that children can use in the pews.  A nursery is also available for infants through kindergarten - if desired - but it is NOT required.  At Plymouth, we enjoy children AND their spontaneity, and all are welcome to remain in the sanctuary.


Is there any kind of fellowship after worship?

Yes!  After worship you are invited to join us downstairs for coffee, cake and whatever else is being served up that week.  We look forward to meeting you, visiting with you and getting to know you!



Is the church handicap accessible? 

Yes! We have an elevator in the basement of the church that will take you to the upper level of the church. 

Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ

115 W. Merrimac St.

Dodgeville, WI  53533


Office Hours:

Tues - Thurs: 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


An Open and Affirming Congregation of the

Copyright © 2016 - Plymouth UCC - Dodgeville, WI

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